Cuei griptape 24 grit black 11x40


Cuei griptape 24 grit black 11x40

The new Cuei Griptape was designed to surpass anything you can imagine when it comes to skateboarding grip tape, using a completely innovative material with a strength far greater than the commonly used PVC of traditional grip tapes on the market.
The Cuei Grip was made to be quick and easy to apply, with an incredibly powerful glue and absurd grip on your shoes, you can rest easy after gluing it as it will not come off your board, giving you complete safety on your runs, with or without footbrake soles.
At a size of 40x11in and with precisely calculated grains in 24 grit, this grip tape can be considered one of the first high-performance grip tapes for Downhill.
We worked to improve every detail, with very high durability and total flexibility, completely improving the experience when it comes to grip tape and being locked in your board, try it and prove it was made for you.

Designed and tested by Thiago Gomes Lessa (2x World Champion)
"After spending many years riding and experimenting with all the grip tapes on the market, I realised there was a lot to improve on them. The main things I had in mind was a griptape that was easy to apply, wouldn't melt under extreme heat when in contact with my shoes and still provide amazing grip without my rubber soles and wouldn't wear out with very little time, needing to be constantly changed...Well I think I have achieved this on our Cuei Griptape and in my opinion it is the best one ever!! It gives me the confidence to go faster and harder down the hills!! I'm stoked on it!!"

One length 11 inches x 40 inches