Venom Caliber Plug Cone Bushings HPF
Venom Caliber Plug Cone Bushings HPF
The new Venom Plug Cone Bushings for Caliber Trucks are designed to remove lateral play from the truck by filling the gaps between the hanger and the kingpin. This results in a quicker return to center, increased responsiveness, and a more direct turning feel over a traditional barrel bushing.
All new Caliber Trucks come with a Caliber 89a plug bushing, depending on your truck, the 44s had a downhill barrel with the plug bushing and the 50s a cone.
These kits are an upgrade to your Caliber truck. Each packet contains two bushings (one plug and one barrel) enough for ONE truck.
A general guide on what duro you should be looking at
45kg-55kg: 85a
55kg-65kg: 87a
65kg-75kg: 90a
75kg-85kg: 93a
85kg+ : 95a
This is a very general guide and does not suit everyone. Base what you need off how your truck performs now. It currently has 89a standard. If you want more turn then look at 87a or 85a. If you want more stability then go up to 93a or 95a.
Why buy these bushings?
You have Forty Four Caliber trucks and want cones to create more turn or you have fiftys and want to change the standard cones, maybe some softer bushings to make your soul sing!