In coming stock news
[last updated by Hop on 14th September 2024]
Want to know what is coming in, what is on order, what we are secretly working on? This is the page.
If what you are looking for is out of stock, then check this page, could be here sooner than you think! Or contact us to reserve an item or pre buy.
Stock in transit
Prism. Yes, more Theory stock is on the way. There are a new new boards on the way like the Sled and a few other secret boards.
Riptide. New stock is on the way. More Carver bushings, new C7 bushings and new Penny bushings
Pantheon. All new 2024 Pantheon completes will be here in October. You can preorder now. If the board you are looking for is not there, hit us up, and quick!
Zealous. Classic and Ceramic bearings will be restocked this month.
Stock we are currently ordering
88 Wheel Co. 2024 has been a huge year for 88. They have released the Big Mitty (in stock) and there is a new LDP wheel getting release in October 2024. I am not suppose to say anything so shhhhh.
We might also get the Meth wheels by the end of the year - clear blue thane dumpers
Urethane Burners. New stock order is currently being organised.